@cookie1720 Tell yourself that its an extremely expensive lesson, and you best figure out how to never make that sort of mistake again, even for 10 cents of loss.

Your mom could probably start double checking with you on all dubious transactions. Anything that involves transfer of money without transfer of goods probably should be consulted with you beforehand. Remind her not to withdraw her KWSP money without consulting with you as well. Yes, all of this makes it seem like you're taking control of her life and finances, and its definitely an argument a would be scammer would try to mention in order to make your mom angry. IMO its all in the mind, or rather perception. You're her daughter, and your role is to double check her money transfers and exchanges for scams and fraud. Not to restrict and baby her decision making processes. So if you do get into this, make sure that you focus only on scam and fraud detection and avoid criticising your mom for buying certain embarrassing things. If your mom can get to the stage where she's comfortable with you taking that role in her finances, or even feel some pride at the amount of time you're putting in for her wellbeing, then she will be less likely to be cajoled into bypassing you by a scammer.

Oh yeah, speaking of KWSP account. You can have the phone number in the system changed to your phone number. So when your mom wants to login to make withdrawals, you will receive the notifications and OTC, not her. Sure, she can change the numbers again, but that'll take a long ass trip to KWSP, queue up, fill forms, queue up again, then get told its closing time and you have to come tomorrow. So its a hassle to go behind your back and change it. This is actually what I do for my mom. Shes not very good with online transactions, so all her OTC numbers go through one of my phones. She has access to a smaller stash of funds she can use without involving me, so she's not restricted too much. That way if she does get scammed its a couple hundreds lost, instead of tens of thousands.
@theologybuff Hey, thank you for the long advice. As mentioned in the earlier comment
The situation is like this.. (copy & paste from other comment) 👇🏽

"She lied to me and my siblings, she knows that i would be mad if she told me the truth. Ended up it was a scam. When I knew, she already transferred all of her money to the scammer. It was too late. Things could've been prevented if only she told us the truth, there were times that we keep on remind her to be aware of scams. But not sure why this time she falls into the telegram trap. 😢"

I didn't control her finances, nor her transactions or bank accounts. She handles her own all the time, who would've thought that she would fall into the trap of scam :(.

I have given her hours of lectures, but i also make sure on her wellbeing time to time. It was indeed a very expensive lesson to us. :(
@cookie1720 If that's the case then you just have to take care of yourself. IF shit hits the fan and your mom finds herself homeless, dont guilt yourself into paying an arm and leg to keep her housed. You tried, and she didint care. That's good enough to cut off and walk away.
@cookie1720 It’s a regular occurrence among senior citizen, sometimes they’re too proud to think and that and they lived long enough not to be fooled by scammers. My father suffers from eczema, he just refuse to use clinics medicine, lotions etc and resorted to some magical lotion that can fix them all from online sellers.. even from our neighboring country.. the cost is not cheap either.. can go up to few hundred ringgit.. if the one that he purchased didn’t work, he’d buy the other one which doesn’t work as well. I no longer say anything.. he can buy whatever lotion type medicine he wants but i warned him against oral type meds. His money anyway.
@teddy2001 Oh no.. have you bring your father to skin specialists? Rather than him keep on purchasing lotion/cream that didn't work for him. I too have eczema, tried diff diff products but didn't work. In the end i just go to skin specialist to get medicine.
@cookie1720 We did, me & my siblings.. Dr Koh etc.. u name it but he just want to believe those magic lotions that can solve 1001 skin problems. We are at the level that we just don’t want to argue anymore.
@cookie1720 Im really sorry. I hope that you guys be strong . Do you mind to share about that scam ? Whats the company name and how they operate . We appreciate it a lot .
@sassywife Sure, the app is trade master partner. It's not a legitimate app. There are telegram groups that they do to convince people that the app & earnings are legit (which is obviously not, but my mom fell to the trap due to high returns(fckin scam))
@cookie1720 42k hurts.. but you could probably make it back in 1-2 years? not the end of the world, but do try to spread awareness and make police report. try to stop more victims getting scammed
@dongchau123 Oh my sweet summer child, I get what you're trying to say and yes OP should try her best to recoup, but the average Malaysian can barely save few thousand per year post covid, these are rough times the world over

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