@cookie1720 Is your mom old enough to withdraw her KWSP savings? If yes, please keep an eye out. A lot of times people who have been scammed once, fall for another scam right after that because they’re stressed out and irrationally think that they need to somehow recoup their losses. It clouds their judgement.
Try to never take out all KWSP savings at one go, it’s not uncommon for people to spend or lose it all in the blink of an eye when they suddenly access large sums of money which they have never experienced before. Only withdraw small sums monthly to use for living expenses, and keep the rest in to continue earning interest. It can help your mom to stretch her savings a bit.
@maxx55 Yes, next year she would be able to withdraw her kwsp. She told me she would give her kwsp money to me to keep but i don't think that's a wise choice. Lets see how next year :/
@cookie1720 I don’t think that’s necessary, it would be safer if she keeps her kwsp money in her account instead and just withdraw some amounts enough for use. I would think kwsp’s security is better than banks, harder to get hacked. But it’s a good sign, shows that she trusts you, thus unlikely that it’ll occur again.

That said, please don’t feel too burdened - a parent’s financial worries is a heavy responsibility to bear, especially when you’re just getting started in life. Your mom is lucky that she has you and your siblings looking out for her. Work hard, take care of yourself, and things will get better for your family OP
@cookie1720 First thing, DO NOT scold them. Just let out a big sigh and say what's gone is gone. Being angry or emotional won't change the outcome of things. There were people who lost RMxxxK and upwards due to scam, gambling, investments, you name it. Your mom's is a very cheap lesson compared to theirs. Just tell/convince them make sure to consult you before transferring money to strangers next time. I wish you and you family all the best.
@cookie1720 Move on, i lost some too not so long ago. My father lost 6 digits too years ago, he moved on and do even better. People can say its just me coping but its only the end of the world if i think its that way.

The way i think of it is it is just a small amount compared to my financial goal.
@cookie1720 Sorry to hear about the loss, at the end of the day, after doing all the relevant reports and finding ways to recover the money, I would take it as an expensive tuition class. Can't be helped.

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