@hummelav lol no privileged dude. You’re the bottom t20, working as an employee. You’re just glorified t20, don’t get ahead of yourself and treat yourself as a b40 for maximum longevity.
@hummelav Pick and choose. Either have a good salary in Singapore or just an ordinary salary in Malaysia. You can't have both.

If you can save up diligently, say RM150k/year you'll easily have RM750k in investment capital. Investing this month-per-month will probably give you an accumulated sum of RM1M. Roll the money. Check r/FIRE.
  1. You get to buy high premium medical and life insurance. You dont worry even if you get terminally ill.
  2. You get to go holiday nearby whenever you feel like.
  3. You dine most places without thinking bout the price.
  4. You buy groceries without caring much bout the price. You choose based on brand, not on price.
  5. You get to pump RON97
  6. You get to buy cars over RM200k
  7. You get to buy house RM1.5m and above
This is for annual gross of 300+k above. If around 200k, cut a few. Cut more if you have a partner/spouse and he/she makes much less (or none).

Edit: above is 300+k assuming your spouse earns similar income
@deaconbling What?

Bro, 25k per month is roughly 15k take home.
1.5mil House is about 6k per month
200k car would be around 3.5k

5.5k left before insurance, toll, fuel, road tax, car maintenance, house maintenance, utilities, holiday fund, parents allowance etc.

Can dine without thinking about price meh?

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