@cookie1720 If you make up for the lost. She would not learn from her mistake and tend to repeat the same mistake. Her fault is not to consult with her children. I can myself as investor lah got (180k++ of stocks in my portfolio), and my parent always ask me if anything is a scam or not. Because she now if she lost her money then she stupid lah. Takkan pisang berbuah dua kali.
@cookie1720 You think about it when you sleep, when you eat, when you shower, when you are working, EVERY SINGLE MINUTE you will think about it. Its soul crushing and took a toll on my mental health for a good few years. Even now I still feel like I could have done different but it's no use looking back to the past.

Treat it as a life lesson and soldier on, we can't do anything about it. I always tell myself infinitely better losing a chunk of your saving than being crippled by debt. Debt is a nightmare on another level really.

And your mum is still working so money can be earned back like everyone said.

Speaking from experience from someone who lost about 100k of hard earned money due to playing stocks etc etc. :')
@cookie1720 I still think about it now and then. But the first 3 years were the worst. It’s constant self monologue and sometimes feeling like crying myself to sleep before bed. It’s always before you sleep that you will think about it.

So yeah I think the first couple of years are the worst time. I kept it to myself without sharing with anyone and now I think I would have felt much better if I did.
@cookie1720 After some time has passed and life goes on as usual, you all will move on.
But once in a while you all will still feel the pain when think back about it.
@cookie1720 Sit down with your mum and tell her don't dwell on it. Set an achievable goal by saving up and recoup the lost RM42k. Make lifestyle changes, avoid unnecessary purchases or trips. Both you & your mum make monthly deposited into your mum KWSP. Keep track total amount deposited and remaining balance to RM42k. Trust me once you reached the goal, the feeling... well you let us know ! SEMOGA BERJAYA
@cookie1720 tell your mum that from now onwards , she should not be in charge of her own finance and to leave her saving in kwsp and not take out . leave it in . you monitor her spending and make all her account requiring two signature to withdrawal and set up bank warning for any withdrawal more than 200myr . set limits on all card and even credit card so it stay at 200 and daily withdrawal up to 1k only .

it all about control that you set up . remember crime happen when you give them opportunities but when you take away those opportunities then the chances are lower . set up multi sector authentication .

the best you can do for your mom is protect her that way and sure it’s inconvenient to have all extra security feature but better than losing 41k. good luck and hope she learn her lesson
@cookie1720 If your comment in your previous post is accurate, Trade Master is already on the SC Investor Alert List. Please lodge police report and complaint to the SC as well. While this may not guarantee that you’ll get your funds back, the authorities will take action against them.

If you have the time and resilience you can start a group to gather those aggrieved by their scams and commence a suit against them.
@cookie1720 You meant to say you need to pay a lawyer to commence the suit? Yes, of course. If the claim in 42k, it would be illogical for a lawyer to charge 1/2 that amount.

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