@cookie1720 Its not something we can get over quick. But will grieve and eventually move on and learn from mistake. Most important is learn the lesson amd be extra cautious and wary of any potential scam. Money can be earned back. I believed she meant well to try better way to earn fast money and excitement get the best of her tricked by the scamming tactics.

Anything is still better than intentionally spend the money away. My mother in law is an excessive gambler, and lost over 50k in stock lottery and casino. Never stop the habit. Luckily( or unluckily) her husband is loaded. If it were me i would have paid debt one last time ans put her into rehab , all else fail divorce and have nothing to do with her.
@cookie1720 sorry to hear that - there's scammers everywhere and its very easy to fall prey because the scammers can be really convincing and they prey on your fear (and not being able to think logically anymore because of that).

As a daughter you should consider just not "harping" or nagging on the issue so much - what is done is done, but discuss & agree on strategies with your mum how to prevent such issues from happening in the future. Keyword here is discuss and agree (not forced upon).

Hope that makes sense. Good luck.
@raymondven Yes, i got you. I did lecture her for abit but I feel guilty as I know deep down she's suffer more than I do. So what I can do is to comfort her, give her pocket money to help her get through the day.
@cookie1720 Yes that's a good move. Don't be too hard on her and tell her not to be too hard on herself. It's painful enough to get scammed. As long as she learnt her lesson and know how to prevent future occurrences then that's good enough.
@cookie1720 I told her just to think that 100k is a donation since we won't get it back after a week, and she seems better. So how I feel about this, of course. I'm so mad I wanted to find out that scammer and beat the shit out of him
@cookie1720 U should educate her on how to identify scams. In general, very rarely any investments return more than 10%. Also, shady and opaque operations are red flags.

If any opportunity is so good, most of the time, the person selling the scam would have thrown their life savings in there.

Its like forex classes. If the method is so good, why is the person teaching it for a fee when they would have a money machine. Better just keep quiet and make money on their own.
@nativepride Yes, me &&(my sisters)keep on sharing scam stories/news from the internet. Not sure why she fall into the scam trap this time. Another thing is, she lied to us, $$ would've been saved by thousands if she truthfully told us.
@cookie1720 She needs to understand that people who lost a lot more than her, over 100k

Her lost is a pretty small amount if you compare it to others

Tell her don't sweat it, other people have it worse, 100x worse than her

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