2022 Financial Review - How was your year?

@taylorjr94 A. My first year of investment is pretty good considering the indices look quite bad. Entered Bursa in February with a 12% return this year (but I started with a small capital, so didn't earn too much either).

Started earlier with ETFs but they are down around 12%, which makes my net return smaller. Will continue to DCA tho.

B. I am quite low on cash as I used them to DCA a few times this year. For the FD, I am having 6 months auto-renewal to benefit from the higher rates.

C&D. None

E. 2022 is my career's first full year, so income is still pretty basic. My net worth has increased by almost 20k this year from investment, bonus, and freelancing jobs. Really hoping my income will grow higher next year!


1) Sold too early to lock profit even though I knew the fundamentals are good. I think I could have earned 3k more from Bursa if not for selling too early.

2) Chase high during one of my first purchases. Luckily managed to cut loss to avoid a huge loss in the subsequent crash. Will remember the painful lesson and be more rational next time.

3) Not dedicating enough time to do freelancing jobs and keep giving myself excuses.
@taylorjr94 Starving for my car that I don't want. I mean, sure I have a lot of savings. Even more than I need for the next few months. But ultimately I need more savings so I could safely quit my current job by June as I originally planned. Maybe I have to stay for another extra 3 months till August.

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