@valerier62 Well done!! Health is always number one and is worth every penny of your savings to try and preserve it. If you're skilled at what you do there will always be a great job for you somewhere you just need to look for it.

All the best!
@alexonbekend Looked through Domain. Spent a Saturday doing house inspections in the area. Looked at 9 properties and all rents were between 290 and 440 per week.

You can access the spreadsheet that I used for the inspections.

I removed the place I ended up getting because it’s now personal information.
@valerier62 Well done, you’ll feel so much better now too.

and I think second hand is the way to go. My daughter just bought a house and needed absolutely everything and got it all second hand for around $800.

enjoy the new suburb.
@resjudicata I’m fine with being called a bro. It’s rule 30 of the internet; there are no girls on the internet.

And I’m a bit gender queer myself and really don’t mind being mis gendered.
@tt101 Never considered it as an option.

My housemate will be buying their bedroom furniture off me over the next year so I won’t actually lose that much money overall from it.

Second hand furniture doesn’t depreciate as quickly as brand new furniture at least.

But nearly half of that 4K covered brand new mattresses (they were the only thing I bought new). I had to get all of the little kitchen things too. It also covers all of the bedding too.

Also it was 4K spent over a period. It wasn’t spent all at once.
@valerier62 Yea okay, it really depends how many rooms/duration. I spent almost $1k in getting it styled, someone would come set it all up and then take it all down when sold. It looked mint though, their items looked really good. Of course at the end of it, you don't get to keep any of the furniture haha.
Yea seems given the scenario that you needed furniture, it makes sense. For selling a house though, I would suggest looking into staging in the future, it may or may not end up cheaper/higher return in selling.
@valerier62 Yes!!!! I love posts like this. Good on you for making a positive change in your life. Life is more than just working, especially in rubbish jobs for people who don't appreciate the staff they've got.

Good on you - hope everything works out! (It will!!)

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