@jahovalbless04 lol that title makes no sense but every industry is different… I’m a BM in med tech and am on more than double what you’re on, but I actually run and manage a business unit. So your title might not be relevant to other positions elsewhere
@ambassador791 Title makes the job sound fancy haha, pretty much a sales representative for a finance company in-house, a lot of responsibility falls onto us to make sure cars are paid for without leaving the dealership but other than that, pretty much a glorified sales with a nice office
@ambassador791 The title is absolute bullshit.

If I'm being really honest, it was created to make under qualified sales people dealing with people's financials sound more professional than they are.

There's also a lot of people in the industry that value the prestige of working in a shiny dealership and driving demo cars around that are attracted to the title of Business Manager, even if the working conditions are some of the worst in the country.

The sad truth is that the role is filled with people that have very little financial training looking to sell you the best deal for the dealership as possible.

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