Landlord won’t pay back bond

@slateblue Probably all of them have no bond lodged. Which would mean the fines could be insanely large, 150 penalty units (almost $30k) for each property. $150k in fines would certainly put a small damper on her little slum enterprise, I'm sure.

Take her to the cleaners, people who flaunt the rules deserve all they get. Or tell her you'll settle for getting 10x your bond back.
@lukewarmlex Without hard proof the ATO will do jack with the complaint. Everyone and their dog reports these “smoking guns” based on suspicion a landlord is flaunting the system in one way so must be flaunting it in others. Take it from someone who worked as an investigator with the ATO, they get a million of these kinds of tip offs and they go straight in the trash. They need hard evidence to even get a second look and review by an actual officer.

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