Would you sell if you were me?

@resjudicata This isn't entirely true, you can choose which property you claim as the main residence and the choice is made in the financial year that you sell a property. So OP could likely sell IP with no CGT but then would need to pay CGT on current PPOR if they ever sold in the future.
@nauq Absolutely I would sell in your situation.

I would'nt even put $150k into ETFs but just put that full $300k capital into the offset on your PPOR. Offset is a guaranteed tax free return equal to your morgage rate , you'll struggle to find a better deal than that ! Having your PPOR paid off is an amazing life position. I'd be aiming for that ASAP

After tax returns on the investment property might come out ahead long term over the offset option but its a lot of risk for not much extra reward.
@nauq I guess the question is do you want your money in housing or shares and how much do you want the 50k to explore whatever it is with your partner, I’m assuming your parents aren’t desperate for the 50k. How comfortable are you in having an investment property? Is it a hassle, do you prefer just having one mortgage to think about.

Personally as it’s positively geared I’d probably just stay as you are right now. There’s still a lot of uncertainty out there and if you’re not struggling financially you can always sell another time.

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