23 y/o F in Vancouver, I feel hopeless and lost

@kenneths At your income, there is no hope of buying unless you at least triple your income. You can rent but you will require roommate(s)

But it's your choice not to find a job and move to a lower cost city.
@jjp297 OP will need to triple their income and find a partner with the same income in order to live that 'comfortable lifestyle' in the lower mainland. I wouldn't bother living in YVR without 240k household if you're renting or have a mortgage.
@kenneths Ive applied to over 200 jobs in my undergrad years. That number isnt higher because i studied finance and post financial crisis, no one posted jobs. Imagine entering an industry where there werent jobs to apply to.

As you can still survive as is, pls prioritize your mental and physical health. These are two items that need only marginal time and will greatly increase your chances of escaping this situation. Stress eating isnt healthy and wont help your self confidence when meeting people socially or professionally. Likewise with the mental stress, find a way out otherwise it will affect how you act and are perceived. Please find some help. Im not a professional but exercise can be a great source of stress relief and confidence building. You will need both to get out of this. Rebuild a stronger and more resilient you.
@kenneths A few points:
  1. Why do you feel pressured to own real estate? You're paying $600/month for room and board in Vancouver - that's a good deal. You would be better off renting and owning a solid stock portfolio.
  2. Your comments about your family aggravating your eating disorder is disturbing. You're saving money at the cost of your health and soul. If you value your health, then focus on that before building wealth. If you parents care about you, then ask them to not to charge you rent so don't have to work two jobs.
  3. Like the other redditors mentioned, your income would be ok if you lived where the cost of living is lower.

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