@keepstronghavefaith Honestly if it's your dream truck and you plan at living at home for another 4-5 years. Hammer out some extra payments. You got this!

BTW you're not stupid, you just an expensive hobbie, that's all.

My buddy is a Mustang guy. I swear he spends more money on his cars then he does his house lol
@paymanp I used to have a Subaru STI payment was 450, gas was surprisingly more than the truck ( because it was tuned) and insurance was roughly the same haha

But it was just costing a lot in repairs, good thing I got coverage on the truck 😁
@keepstronghavefaith Assuming finance and not lease because of the 7 year term. You financed 72,000 on the truck. You currently have ~$64,500 remaining on the loan if you haven’t made extra payments.

If it’s a standard auto loan, you don’t “owe on interest and the remaining buyout”. If the dealer told you this, they lied to ensure they get their kickbacks from the finance company.

Read your contract/agreement, but with standard auto loans, you sell the truck for $60,000 and you kick in an extra $4,500 to get to the balance remaining on the loan. That money goes to the finance company, and the lien on the truck is removed.

Each month of your $1200 payment, $540 is interest at the beginning of year 2.

I would recommend cutting your losses, you bought the truck, you drove it for a year, it was fun.
@thisduckthatluck Even if the buyout amount isn’t fully paid back? Let’s say buy out is 50 grand and I pay back 40? I’d still owe interest on that 10 grand wouldn’t I?

But I’d be able to cover that with cash on hand..

I guess your right, I needa go over my options

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