Is it really so bad to get a condo instead of a townhouse if you have a set budget?

@lovelycamillia Langley people don't leave Langley.

I grew up there, going to the city was a special treat that you'd do twice a year.

Eventually I moved from Langley to Surrey, no one I knew in Langley was willing to make that journey, too far, didn't want to park in *gasp* Surrey (even though I had secured underground parking)

I eventually moved from Surrey to Vancouver, and still see my Surrey friends on the regular... but the Langley people... special events and weddings, and usually only if I make the journey out that way.

Your friends are Langley people now; they're gone.
Plus all the other places you mentioned have restaurants and commercial centers you can visit. Chilliwack has like cottonwood mall. So chances of me wanting to go somewhere is really high.

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