Mortgage renewal is coming. I work with a broker. Why am I being harangued by the bank the broker sealed the deal with for our first term?

@bladkins03 Your local bank branch doesn’t have access to the same rates broker does. The broker shops your mortgage at the national level and deals with the banks head office.
Once broker has offers ask them take the lowest back to your bank brand and they may match it, if don’t take lowest rate.
@bladkins03 hello mortgage broker here,

have you tried printing out the documents and signing it?

everyone talking about how brokers get paid

this is lender dependent, some lenders allow brokers to help with renewal, some pay for renewal, and some dont pay for renewal

regardless of how a broker is paid, you need to understand if the mortgage youre getting makes sense, if it doesnt make sense, even if they dont get paid then dont take it

hope this helps :)
@klf45 I definitely don’t have a printer. I don’t even have a desktop. I’m not a WFH person.

Yes. I’m trying to understand the behind the scenes process better. I guess I could ask him point blank how he gets paid but wonder how transparent he’d be.

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