Receive Warning Letter due to Low Performance

@letsgohome First of all, I am sorry to hear about your condition. I can't imagine what you are going through and I hope things get better for you. Firstly, what the company is trying to do is kick you out as the process to do that legally is to issue 3 warning letters. In this situation, you can also fight them back for wrongful dismissal especially if you were low performing due to your health condition. So you can actually bring them to court and high chance win. But if you do win, it just means you get to keep your job which probably might not leave you in a good way. I would say try to solve this amicably with your boss and HR, explain to them that you also know what options you have and try to find a role outside.
@letsgohome Sorry to hear that OP. I don't have much to add as others here have already given excellent advice, but I hope you beat cancer soon and recover quickly!

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