I’ve just been made redundant

@davidhussy I was made redundant within probation coz they realised that they don’t need the new role anymore… and this role is no longer there. But they chose to use a different story to say that I’m at fault perhaps so they don’t look bad at planning etc to everyone else… I’m so disappointed at this so called family business. No family values whatsoever. Lots of lies and being thrown under the bus. :(
@davidhussy Feel for you. Hopefully you can find something new quickly and don’t take it too personally.

Silver lining is you are getting paid. I’m 6 months post going into liquidation and still waiting to get something from FEG
@asgb I called my salary sacrifice company to let them know I’m being made redundant and the lady was able to get my entire redundancy tax free. It was kind of Hush hush though, she did it as a favour to me - call you company and let them know you’re situation

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