Dilemma of a fresher. Need an advice


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A bit of myself. I am M24 living in JB. I recently graduated EE engineering programme with SCH 3.24/4.0 from upm. I said recently but it was actually, finished study in July 23’ and graduation on Nov 23’. Prior this, I was actually thinking to go into microelectronics industry since I studied electives of microelectronics, digital circuit design, analog etc.

You know, i had I always imagined myself working in Intel, Micron, Infineon. but the thing is I suxk in my studies, suxk in interviews. After my studies in July last year, I didn’t quickly applied for jobs and instead ‘focus’ on my rotu for a month and then ‘relax’ at home until Nov. I only started applying for jobs then. I applied close to 500 jobs, only 8 interviews. By then, it was already end of January 24’ and I still haven’t got a job.

Then, reality hits me when I realised I am still jobless when most of my peers already working. I panicked. I felt useless. I am ashamed of my self. I also realised I cannot go on like this anymore. I thought to myself, if I can’t get a work in my preferred industry in Malaysia, i might as well work at SG albeit a different industry. My sister was applying for restaurant management trainee for a F&B company in SG. So I did the same as her. It was for the same position at a different branch. I got a job. Finally. I mean, an almost RM10k for a fresh grad, I am more than happy.

But right now, I am in a dilemma. Did I make the right decision? Will my degree go to waste? Will I be stuck in a 6 day 12 hour shift cycle?

Sorry if this looks like a rant. but I just want to know what you guys think.
@agmitchell relook your CV. review your interview skills. Nov to Jan no job is not uncommon. ppl stay on till year end to get their bonus etc before leaving. Positions will open up after CNY

3-6 month job search for a fresh grad in the relevant industry is not uncommon.
@agmitchell Get your money while looking for opportunities in the meantime and improve your resume probably. You're still young so you have the time for it. Save up as much as you need so you can be comfortable when you're taking a job relevant to your studies because they'll pay much lower (expect 2.5 - 3.5k starting in JB)

This is reality of work. That's why many malaysians are underemployed, because there's not enough opportunities to go around for everybody.

My best suggestion is hustle in Singapore and save all your money for a few years until the RTS project is finished somewhere in 2026/2027 which we might see a bloom in economic activity in Johor. You've barely started and you're already worrying if you'll be stuck in that job forever. Opportunities will come, with time. I have a friend who worked in SG as a cleaner to get access to their work pass & networking and ended up as an engineer there now. Even my sister with engineering degree ended up working at retail clothing store there but she actually likes doing that.

Trust me that 10k a month is going to worth a lot especially at your age unless you come from one of those golden spoon families who don't have any issues with money. There's no problem starting your career abit later tbh or even veering off your initial plans and find passion in different fields. just make sure by 30s you've picked the line of work you want to specialise in.
@agmitchell A few remarks that hopefully will help you resolve your dilemma:

First, you need a strategy that suits you. With 8 interviews secured out of 500 applications, I highly suspect that your CV/ resume has serious flaws. Your job hunting strategy, if any, had failed miserably. Forget about nailing the interviews, your immediate priority should be increasing your rate of success for being shortlisted.

Second, you need to be stronger mentally. Job hunting in today's economy can be soul-crushing. Do not take that personally. Even the strongest candidates on paper would get numerous rejections. I personally know a few of world-class PhD colleagues who have to spend months securing their dream jobs. Yes, spending months is completely normal in today's atmosphere.

Third, what concerns you the most now, financially, is perhaps your opportunity cost. Although you are earning RM 10k per month, you should really persuade yourself that you are earning SGD 2.8k per month in a Singaporean society. If your current job does not offer career growth, then you lose the opportunity for hitting higher milestones like SGD 5k, then SGD 8k, and finally > SGD 10k. Each level demands a different challenge. Hence, financially, you should think about your opportunity cost carefully.

Third and a half, with that said, at your age you are in a comfortable position financially (if you live in JB), but that window will slowly fade away. To imagine how long the window duration is, you can project the number of years before hitting the RM 10k per month mark while working as an engineer in Malaysia. By thinking strategically, you can, for example, leverage your current pay to save and invest at a young age. Avoid getting into debt buying expensive cars/ houses (yes, OP, I'm talking about your CRV purchase). Utilize this window to make yourself financially ready while chasing after your ideal career.
@agmitchell Personally I would say, perhaps engineering isn't your lane. Someone with a passion for engineering would probably work really hard to get good grades and probably could not wait to get a job immediately after graduation.

And that's ok. A lot of folks don't know what their calling is until very late in their life. Get a feel for your new job, figure out what you like and what you are good at and continue to do that.
@agmitchell Now is the time to send resumes out, many companies give out their bonus before CNY, so some staff will resign after getting their bonus. I was in a similar situation, resigned old job in November, couldn't get any interviews until March (that year CNY month), 1 week 3 interviews lol. Was broke so accepted the first offer I got. In hindsight should have waited for the results of the other interviews, cos current industry is suffering, bad bonus and increment lol (construction, contractor). Now feel like wasting my mechanical engineering degree and going back to be a farmer, family has 7 acre land lol
@agmitchell This looks like a life advice question, not a PF question. You dream of working in hike profile companies in potentially high profile roles, but your work ethic and discipline does not seem to match it. You cruised around and relaxed and didn't study. What makes you think even if you can get your dream job in your dream industry, that you'll survive?

You sound like you lack hunger and passion. Find those first, then evaluate your life and goals, then plan how to get there.
@agmitchell Do you love what you doing right now? Do you see yourself staying in the same line for years to come?

You are still young, I guess 12 hours a day is still tolerable at your age but I don’t think that is sustainable long term.
@agmitchell Well, what's your aim at the moment? Do you want to break into the industry immediately, or try to get as much earning in SG for a couple of years before trying your luck again?

Not a lot of people stays on their first job until retirement, so chill.
@agmitchell Bro, mech engineer here in SG. Engineering industry don’t have the best salary, but the progression is there. Unless F&B is your passion, which I doubt since you went for engineering degree. I suggest you stick to your industry

Starting pay of rm10K in engineering industry is not tough. Blast your cv out and sure some will return to be favourable
@agmitchell Your resume must suck, use harvard standard resume format. Go youtube and learn how to create the best resume. I graduate in ee engineering too, currerntly 22m, i post my resume a week i get like 4 interview. Ace every interview by being cocky and get offer left and right. Yes still working for someone, not something i like.but atleast a basic salary.

I would say it is a waste to go work in a industry that need no profession while you, yourself being a engineer. Yes its good pay, but see in long term, engineer get higher pay as experience increase, and most engineers are creative, can start their own company after working in an industry and getting familiar with it.

working in f&b is not bad, if you planing to open one your own in the future.

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