Apple Is Planning 3-D Cameras for New iPhones in AR Push

@thudomi1582 Companies that produce cars with unusually high top speeds generally don't fare well.

Making your product too niche while increasing prices is dangerous, especially when trying to expand services that are locked to that product.
@dixie7478 No but it was worth a shot at a small scale. Their mistake was dumping a ton of money into them without seeing people would adopt them.

As for Apple, hardware is literally their business. They're not loss-making software company trying to extend their reach into hardware.
@jinxy Ok... so what does that have to do with the fact that you don't classify certain things as innovation?

Why don't you classify snapchat spectacles as innovation?

Would you classify the snapchat spectacles innovation if they had an Apple logo on them?

What exactly does it take for you to classify something as innovation?
@dixie7478 Very much so. Great idea, poor execution (Should've had them be $40/ea), flood the market with them so they become a must have, sell at a loss if you have to, it gets more eyeballs on your platform.
@dellfred 5G is a no brainer once everything gets integrated on one chip. It's coming, and the sooner you have a good enough radio the longer you'll be able to keep that phone when it's widespread.
I know some extremely smart and independent minded people who love their stuff.

I do, too, but everybody's got their blind spots and when I've quizzed my friends they really don't have an answer. Just what they've always had, or they like iMessage, or they're too invested in iTunes... It's kind of like how I know some smart people who drive like dumbasses. I believe it's hard to live with Apple if you really give it some thought, though. They try to milk their customers every chance they get.

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