Spotify removes hundreds of K-pop songs globally, unable to reach an agreement with Kakao M

@steinem27 Yeah I mean people left, like The Office was the last straw for them, but if you really loved the office and only the office, you'd just buy the DVD set or the google/amazon streaming of it.
@wackwife23 not purely for kpop, but 90% of my playlists/songs I listen to on there are korean music. If they banned kpop, I'd probably move on to youtube music or something. anecdotal of course, but I doubt I'm alone
@maile78 You're not alone. I've been seeing some memes lately of people thinking about moving to YT Music. I'm already on YT Music so I can't really say for myself.

Kpop fans can be pretty serious about this kind of shit though so if they can't support their favorite group(s) I could see a lot of people switching over. Hard to actually quantify and it's not the end of the world or anything but it's definitely not a good thing.

If anything Spotify is going to cave in to Kakao M's demands and agree to a less friendly deal.
@wackwife23 I have a Spotify subscription and I listen almost exclusively to k-pop. I think the major problem would be if there’s a split and a competing service offers some kpop songs while Spotify keeps their current offering, so you’d have to pay two subscriptions in the end
@wackwife23 Check out how popular BTS is worldwide.

Saying someone listens to 1 genre purely is a little silly.

I'm sure they exist but predicting the percentage?

Personally I listen to 90's, 80's, kpop, Electronic, Pop, rock, R&B.
@wackwife23 I subscribe to Spotify purely for foreign language music. Apple Music doesn't have much.

If Apple Music got Kpop/etc and Spotify doesn't fix this, I would switch.
@wackwife23 Right, the thing is, it will be easier for Spotify to work out a future deal with Kpop rather than an entirely new streaming service to become popular and strike deals with k pop and every other genre that spotify already has. I don’t think this will be a big deal for spotify and I think you will eventually see k pop stars coming back to negotiations with their tail between their legs.

See Kanye or T Swift vs Spotify for previous examples of this.
@wackwife23 me. well close to. I am subscribed to Spotify Premium and I listen to more kpop than other genres. Now I still do listen to other genre but when I'm just browsing, doing stuff on the desktop/phone, I am listening to kpop as a go-to for like 90% of the time.

I am checking my "liked songs" list on Spotify after seeing this post and yes I do see a lot of them disappeared but not enough to switch me to another platform.

If enough songs disappear, I can see myself switching to YT Music as I'm paying for Youtube Premium as well so it's not a hard switch and YT Music finally got an decent app I can run instead of running it on browser. I tried Tidal and Amazon as well before and they both lacked stuff so I dont' see myself switching to those unless something major has changed since I tried them.
@wackwife23 Not purely for kpop.... But yes, this has destroyed many of my playlists. I'm actually pretty unhappy about it... Some of my favorite songs are gone. Is there an alternative bedsides itunes which is dumb? Anyone have suggestions?
@chriscooke95 Bts is still on, though, along with many other kpop groups including all the top artists mentioned in OP's post. It's not like one company represents all of kpop so this is irrelevant data.
@prays Was explaining to the previous poster how big the overall Korean streaming market was on Spotify since some other commenters didn't think it was a very big genre.
@pools This may be a huge hit for kakao since they have a monopoly in the streaming space. Now that many artist wont get spotify listens, they might want to make deals with spotify instead of kakao.

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