Chipotle Founder to Step Down as CEO After Comeback Falters

@pasha0672 Just franchise the damn thing please. They need an owner-operator in there to keep quality control up as well as sourcing their products from trusted central producers. No more local sourcing where it's near impossible to ensure quality standards.
@jeanniecheek Franchising would also give more bargain power for their high COGS, they'd receive franchise revenue for selling the COGS to franchises, allow for faster expansion, and ultimately still get to control their image. I don't understand why it hasn't already been.
@pasha0672 Hopefully this also means that the company will stop paying Steve Ells such a huge salary. I think it's good that he has a good vision for the brand but the realities of running such a large empire seemed to be something he wasn't great at.

Expect smaller portions, higher prices, and plenty of other changes.
@pasha0672 I went to Chipotle last week for the first time in two years around dinner time and this place was empty. People don't want to mess with their health and there is way too much competition in the Mexican food sectors, let alone general food sectors.
@pasha0672 I'm done with Chipotle. They're food quality at the stores I visited was just so-so before the outbreaks. After the sanitary issues, there just isn't enough of a pull for me to try them again. If I had loved the food before it may have been a different story.

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