A little PSA on renovating your home

@diannna This hits close home.

Bought a place late last year and decided to gut and reno the kitchen and laundry. Planned to have it finished in the 2 months before we moved in. 8 months later and it's almost done...
@james400 Anything that needed professional attention was handled accordingly. Plumbing and electrical mostly.

I did all my painting, new doors, floating floors, paving, garden beds, tilling, the list goes on but yes anything that requires a professional get them to do it.
@diannna Not even that though.

Just recently heard of someone doing some DIY Reno's and they had a roof fire unrelated to what they're doing and the insurer is giving them a hard time since seeing that Reno's are being done.

There's also how much you're personally covered if you get hurt doing any of these things. Plus the implications of workmen coming onto your property.

I'm a complete lay person, but I think it's worth looking into your exposure on stuff like this.

And even if you cause damage to your property that you've actually insured yourself properly. Heaps of flood/fire victims are finding that they're under insured.
@serena23 My husband is a chippy and we have always wanted to renovate houses as a full time gig.

We bought a PPOR recently that needs cosmetic updates. We spent 4 months being indecisive about window furnishings before ordering. (What shade of white? Do we do sheers and curtains behind or sheets and roller blinds? Do we go wall to wall? Ceiling mount or wall mount? If it’s wall mount, do we go right to the cornice or leave a gap…..)

I truly salute those who do it. Indecision is the hardest part 😝
@wiseguy451 Holy crap this hits hard.

We still have no door hands on the robes due to indecision.

Also I feel that on the blinds? If i roof mount will the gap at the cornice annoy me? 😩 and on and on……
@wiseguy451 Suggestions for a sliding door?
We have rollers on all the other windows (and placeholder curtains in the 2 lounge areas while we decide)

The sliding door is doing my head in though. Neither curtains nor rollers seem right, but we need something to keep the heat in (or out come summer!)
We still have no door hands on the robes due to indecision

Haha 6 months after building a built in wardrobe for my daughter she still has no doors for it as i can't decide if i want plain faced or decorated doors. Then i've gotta pick door handles.. she will be moved out of home by the time i sort it out.
@wiseguy451 The trick with indecision is to not really give a shit.

When my girlfriend started wondering about what shade of white I said I don't care.

We bought an old house that we planned to renovate and extend before where we were living was sold and we had two months to move out. Cosmetics didn't bother me at all when I was working on getting it up to scratch just so we had somewhere to live.
@wiseguy451 I had a friend that basically got divorced over blinds. Husband took 2 years to make a decision and by the time he decided they had stopped making that colour.

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