A little PSA on renovating your home

@wiseguy451 100% on the indecision. I put together colours and selections as part of my job as an architect in the daily. I've become pretty efficient at it - doesn't phase me.

Can not decide for my own house, keep going back and forth on everything, wanting it to be 'perfect'.
@wiseguy451 I would love to do this some day. Would need to acquire a lot of skills and experience.

Your example about windows would be a lot easier if you have a good mental idea of whats out there, general costs, how to combo items (and which items to choose) etc.

But it's always harder working on your own stuff in any creative field.
@serena23 I’ll add my own:

Samples should be used to test durability, not just how they look.

We chose our bench tops from samples and only 18 months later the wear and tear is very noticeable even with just two young adults with no children using them. I think within 5 years they will be up for replacement. (PolyTec bench tops by the way).
Try scratching, staining, ripping and tearing your samples once you decide on the looks
@worthyvessel I did this with composite decking samples. Sat them at the back door to walk on with our boots etc. Suprised 1 brand scratched up a bit! So it was good to cancel them out.
@serena23 Ugh, we need to refinish our floors again and it’s the one job begets another thing that’s holding me off. That and the horrific mess that floor sanding causes.

I hope you’re super happy with how it all turned out!
@serena23 I wouldn't recommend using Hipages or similar to find tradespeople - those apps generally attract tradespeople that are struggling for work, and there's usually a reason. Getting recommendations from people you know, as you mentioned, is a good method.
@frigga I'd recommend local community Facebook pages to get recommendations. That way they're close by and you can usually see who gets more than one mention so they're getting good business
@bramblewild 100%. Word of mouth is the best way to find a reliable tradesman. If you don't know anyone personally, ask your local Facebook group. Just do a bit of due diligence and make sure it's not just their friends/relatives talking them up. Hipages is awful
@crink Just to add to this, if you have someone in your life like a hairdresser or remedial massage therapist that you trust, ask them if they know tradies. As someone who talks to people in my job all day long (plenty of regular people I have seen for years) ask them for tradie recommendations in your area. I have found if you can approach a tradie with a referral from someone they know, you get to see them faster...
@serena23 Pretty spot on! Having renovated, if I ever bought another PPOR, I would a thousand times rather buy a house that needs a reno rather than purchase an already refreshed home.
@aftergodsheart I've never met anyone who wanted to renovate twice. Myself included. After my current home, if i sell i'll be buying exactly what i want with minimal changes. Or building.
@susa Yes, I am confused myself 🤔 I think I like the thought of potential renovations before I move in, but that sounds incredibly ambitious and wasteful financially.

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