Hooray you’re middle class in Texas!

@resjudicata I just sold a house I had bought in 2010. It was four bedrooms in Orlando Florida, I had bought it for $103,000 and refinanced at 2.9%. My whole payment was $850. For a four bedroom house.

Not selling one of those and living it forever is how.
@pchris Little kids cost waaaaaay more than teens unless you have a stay at home parent. It costs around $1300/mo to send one child to daycare.

That’s not even including insurance, food, clothes, etc.
@spiritualhuman Ohhh gotcha. I never thought about that. As I've always been WFH. But teens have expensive hobbies, vehicles, clothes are way more expensive, and each one eats as much as 3 adults.
@alwayscurious I just mean in comparison to teens which have vehicles, eat what seems like 9 meals a day, expensive hobbies (no toddler asks for a gaming PC and $100 to go to the movies/dinner), and adult prices everywhere you go
@pchris Depending on how old the teens are they can get jobs to offset some of those costs. And they tend to be pretty independent. Unlike small children who require you to be at their beck and call like the tiny tyrants they are.
@pchris The healthcare alone is daunting. I’ve never been to the doctor more in my life. The copays, out of pocket bs, prescriptions etc

My oldest kid had 4 ear infections in 2 years
@resjudicata I mean, as a Texan living in a small town making 80+, I agree.

In that area I’m middle class—compared to my neighbors I’m actually very wealthy.

But not in metro areas. At all.
@calmnow That is why I said it wouldn’t work in metro areas.

The point here being that vast swathes of empty space is affordable in Texas, but not the places that are actually worth living in.

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