College Son Calls It Life Hacking

@allieohh Its his university. This isn't Jimmys corner market.

Is it really worth it for an extra $8.50 a shift to have to make that argument if the catch him?

Hes spending probably what between $5k and $20k a semester to have to argue that "Its pure coincidence that I happen to work 61 minutes every shift an earn an extra $8.50!"
@timothygrae All the more reason it’s likely not a big deal. A school with more money than they know what to do with this might be okay turning a blind eye to something so small like this.
@allieohh My dude I worked for multi billion dollar companies that absolutely would have fired people for this. Hell they fired people for less than this.

The risk/reward for this is just insanely stupid.
I wouldn’t say clocking in when you get to work and clocking out when you leave is gaming any system.

That's not what he's doing though. He's intentionally clocking in and clocking out so that the time clock rounds up in his favor so that he gets paid for time he didn't work. Lots of us have done it - me included. That doesn't make it right or ethical.

And, the school may not care either way. They might not consider it important. We don't know. It's obvious what he's doing, though, so he is taking a risk of losing the job if anybody does care.
@rrztop1 Good luck firing somebody/negatively effecting their education from a government funded state school, over a clerical error that he didn’t commit. There is definitely no potential headaches for his powers at be going that route. Definitely not.
@allieohh LOL. I'm not trying to fire the guy. Just pointing out the ethical issues. And no, this is not a clerical error, but I think you know that.
@stansixsixsix I agree that the payroll system is largely at fault. However if you take advantage of the system and manipulate it to get paid for hours that you are not actually working then you are also at fault.

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