[California] Tech support number no longer works


New member
Well, the number itself works, but you can't get help for ui/edd questions anymore. It worked great earlier but I got disconnected (it was my bad, not theirs) before I could talk to a rep from claims after I got transferred. After 1 1/2 hours of waiting, I was disappointed and took a mental health break from calling. When I tried calling back, dialing and then immediately pressing # just ends the call. Listening to the whole spiel has mentions that they cannot (and will not) help with unemployment issues.

I just thought I should share that this formerly effective method is no longer viable. If anyone has any other new tips, please post them because calling the 5616 and 2511 numbers has been really fruitless for me.

Update: I called this morning and pressing # no longer ends the call. It seems like I was just calling after business hours. Idk how effective this method is anymore but calling the tech number is a lot quicker than listening to the spiels of the two official edd numbers.

Update 2: the tech number definitely still works! I called a few more times and got put on hold and I’ve spoken to someone already after about 12 minutes of hold. I’m on hold again but I’ve already given him my info and he’s looking into it.
@boyzx3 Oooooohhh that would explain it. I hope that I’m wrong and that they were just closed and I didn’t realize. I’ll try again tomorrow and update the post. Thanks :)
@eclarky try this number its the fraud dept number but im sure they can at least transfer you to someone m-f 8-5 1-866-401-2849 and here is another tech number m-f 8-5 1-855-327-7058 not sure what dept this one is but m-f 8-5 1-800-480-3287 hope that helps someone

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