[CALIFORNIA] some info from an EDD rep

@faithcollect FYI to anyone that recently moved or had changed their phone number. When I tried to verify I couldn’t because of both those reasons so I called a rep with the phone number provided at the log in screen. I waited 5 hours all together of the time remaining fluctuating the whole time but nonetheless pretty accurate from the first wait time it gave me. Talked to a rep had my passport and license he asked basic info and I was verified.
@slash415 This is the link to verify: https://hosted-pages.id.me/california-edd-identity-proofing

My boyfriend was in the same boat, flagged but no link received as of 1/12. Verified using the link above, which had been shared by previous posters here. His pending payments finally went through the next night, and when he finally did the email from EDD with "The Link", it was this same exact one (so it's not a unique link sent to each specific person.) Hope this helps!
@faithcollect I didn’t get a ID.ME link?

I used the Docusign one they first had me do on 12/30.

I used the one I found on here, did she have any idea how long for those that used docusign
@ckm333 First time I uploaded my driver’s license front and back and then did the selfie video. It opened up a new window. I was confused I thought it was the last step. Then I realized you have to close the selfie video window and check back to the original window on the browser and continue the process. It’s confusing on the cell phone because you don’t really see the open window as a tab
@faithcollect Can someone help me with this problem with ID.me?

So EDD sent me an Notice of Suspended Benefits - Verify Your Identity message to update my ID.me account for Verifying my Identity.

I recently got a new cell phone number so i'm trying to update it through ID.me with no luck at all....

I went to ID.me support page to speak with an agent and got literally kicked out once Ive gotten close to number 1.

I've also sent out an email to ID.me last week reguarding my cell phone number getting changed to update but no response.

Is there another way to get in contact with ID.me or do I have to wait it out until Tuesday?

It's just flat out annoying how asking for help that you have to jump through hoops multiple times.
@faithcollect when you say "Everyones account will be updated by Tuesday"... what Tuesday is that lol Tuesday January 19th? cuz mine is still stuk in "reopen claim" button and cant cerityfy ...

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