Sad state of affairs with EPFO. They haven't credit if interest amount of F.Y. 2021-2022

@thecharismaticone Ohhh... Relieved to know that ot only matters, if someone needs their money back. And that it's only going to impact those people, who have to encash PF, because they are moat likely in dire need of money.
@urbanlegends I switched jobs mid year and had to transfer my PF amount from older to newer account. I did get the interest credited for 2021-22 and interest for subsequent months until the transfer. So can confirm.
@sama87 Long things short, You'll have to raise a transfer request through "One member one account" option wherein you'll have to select whether you want to do attestation through your new employer or old employer ( attestation through old employer is"faster"), at the end of of the process you'll generate a Form-13. You'll need to sign this Form-13 and send to your old employer (or new employer depending on your option). Now you need to have to visit Mandir/Masjid/ Church (or your place of prayer) and pray daily for 8 hours straight that everything goes smoothly. If everything goes smooth (extremely rare but isn't unheard of) your account will be transferred within a month (they say this as maximum time limit, but usually it doesn't take more than 2 weeks). If you are a less lucky individual like me, an awkward reason will be raised (like Father's name not matching albeit you generate the form from the portal itself) and your application will be rejected. You'll be in a limbo as your employer (no matter previous or current) will say that they have done their part which is true unfortunately. You'll need to raise constant grievances (most of which will be disposed off), visit EPFO office and pray harder. Worst case scenario, you'll have to re-initiate the process and the cycle continues.
@elvispelvis The service while transferrin accounts is unbelievably pathetic. I changed jobs to a different state, and they first gave a similar reason (father's name mismatch) for holding up the transfer of funds. So I raised a grievance and the officer from the previous job location EPF office said that the error can be ignored. SO why f***ing display it in the first place?

Then after transfer I started receiving an issue that my bank account KYC was invalid. So I raised a grievance with the new EPF office about why it was showing as invalid and how to resolve it. They just replied saying that my bank account KYC was done, and said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the problem. They even sent a letter to my home saying the very same thing.

Btw the transfer is still stuck because of some issue with pension contribution and basic salary rules. If their own rules say that once an employee is covered under EPS then that person will continue to be covered even if the basic salary crosses the permissible threshold, why do they have to ask for justification why EPS was being deposited even when my basic salary was higher than the limit? I've been in touch with my past employer or over three months in this regard.

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