A brief timeline of Yes Bank's saga

@thei Good service leads to Better customer retention and higher margin like Bose or apple, companies like wework,kingfisher or newer startups like Uber are losing money while providing it so they can never be a good investment
one of the major criteria which I use in selecting a stock is whether I would like to use there products

This kind of criteria might act for a B2C service, where product is good enough, well-marketed, and is a major stream of revenue for the company.

Think Apple and their products like MacBook / iPhones.

Are retail banking a major source of revenue for Yes Bank?

Real money-making product of a bank is the loans they give out, to corporates and Governments (state & center).

Indeed, banks make some money through retail via home loan, car loan, personal loan, cc interests etc. - but none of these products are something customers "like" or enjoy, nor do they form significant revenue stream compared to loan books or bond investments.

Banks also make money through mutual fund distribution, brokerage commissions, and penalty charges; but again, none of these are type of products a bank customer would like.

What you're trying to do, is gauge company culture, based on how they interact with customers. You'd never really find out, because people in-charge of money-making machines at bank would never meet retail customers like depositors.

I've a salary account with Yes Bank, and they have been a fantastic bank for me over last three years. Great customer-friendly policies on FD booking; higher FD rates; good service over email, call, and branch; no bothersome mis-selling of ULIPs etc.

But I also know no-one's accusing Yes Bank of having a bad user-facing product, or that they aren't tech-friendly enough (case in point, UPI tie-up with PhonePe).

Whether Yes Bank survives or not, that's a different matter entirely. But you're willing to brush aside wisdom of the market which caused a loss of near 90% of its value in 1 year, because of your anecdotal evidence - that's far more dangerous.

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