RBI is piloting an eRupee. Here's a fun read about how this plays into the banking system

@resjudicata It's not about the information, honestly. The information is already all out there.

My focus is to share a perspective from first-principle thinking. Differentiating b/w a bank deposit which is essentially debt vs physical cash, for instance. That does take some words. Overall though it's hardly a 5 minute read. I think we're too focused on raw facts and not focused enough on how to think about things. I want to change that!

In any case, thank you for reading :)
@demorah39 Hi.

I really liked the article. Because a first principles approach would help us in understanding future use cases on policies. Lets say a UPI app doesn't work, people would love to transact with something that work. As of now a person might keep some cash and pay the rest transactions with UPI, in future we may also carry eRuppee.

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