Reached my first milestone. How do I celebrate this ?

I had planned on reaching the first milestone in March 24 but Santa helped in December.

Looking forward to the next Crore. Hoping to reach there in the next 4 years.

Edit : forgot to add my age.
33M make around 35lpa (5 is variable). Have been investing since 2015.
@djo82 Work in tech obviously. Started of with a mere salary of 9k. I have 9 yoe. I was able to grab 30% appraisals most of the years.

There is always hope my friend. Do not go gentle into the good night.
@thelordismyshepard777 Here's a sneak peek of /r/Artos using the top posts of the year!

#1: [41.3.0] Now use cash accounts directly while adding an asset transaction.

#2: [ Feature Request ] MF / stock units breakdown based on holding period

#3: [47.6.1] Better charting experience and new features!

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@thelordismyshepard777 I read this on some FIRE post long back which I liked. That person used to buy a gold coin to celebrate every milestone. I think this is a great physical reminder of net worth other than the numbers on a website or app. So maybe buying a gold coin for every 1Cr milestone.

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