First Milestone Reached, 26M (1 crore Networth)

@megan26 About 1.55-1.6L. This is after the deduction for ESPP (23K).

Monthly spends are around 20-40k. The savings buffer is maintained by intermittent performance bonuses and cash rewards.
@dmscotland Do you not have rent/education emi and stuff how do you manage with 20-40?

Not hating but this is like a wake up call for me so would like to hear you out
@tim_h Rent and amenities are around 15k. Additional Expenses run around 20-25k when I’m in the city of work, and around 5k-10k when I’m in hometown.
So a total of about 20-40k.

No EMIs. As I said, this isn’t fed just by the monthly salary. I’ve periodic cash bonuses and yearly bonuses that keep this going.
@megan26 I’d net about pretax 52L in 2023-2024 FY. This includes cash and bonuses and RSUs and couple other reimbursements from the company.

Would probably increase by 20-25% in the next increment.
@dmscotland Bhaiya, you have become my role model now.
I'm so happy for you.
I'm also going to try reaching the same goal before 30.
Keep it up and prosper more in life ahead of you.

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