@amyperle Making sure your partner has a life outside of the relationship is really key. When mine is gone, I'm so busy with friends, or I'll pick up extra shifts at work, sometimes the week just flys by! When he's home, we always have at least one thing planned for that week, whether it's a date night out, or a bike ride, or any type of activity. It gives us something to plan while he's at work, something to look forward too, and ensures we always get quality alone time together. And then of course trust and communication are big but that will look different for everyone!

it's definitely an adjustment but once you get into the routine of it, it's not so bad! Hopefully something in there is helpful 😅 best of luck, and congrats on the new job!
  • With 7 on 7 off I feel its the best of both worlds, half time off and half time I'm completely gone. I would prefer a standard work week, which is why I am considering the Montreal position. My partner is happy with me doing the 7 on 7 off, with the Montreal position being 5 days a week plus every other Sat, I think it would be about the same time of actually seeing them.... when not sleeping that is.
  • I don't know how my overtime is paid over holidays. Reviewing my contract there is no stipulation of holiday time, only "above 42 hours per week is paid as overtime." I will send an email and ask about that though! It was not a thought I had.
  • My partner speaks French, and I am fairly easy-going and friendly with most international people I meet. technically I'm not from Alberta but England, which I feel gives me some grace if I lean into that background (possibly not..) Granted that is in a different context to living in Montreal, but I can play badminton or pickleball in French or English so I hope I'd be fine! (Also I would plan on learning French if I take that position)
@amyperle You're young, make bank while you can. As you get older you won't want to work fly in fly out as much. Also, I hope you've countered for higher, I think you could do better for a FIFO job.
@amyperle Say “I really want to work for your company, but I’m having trouble justifying the $30/hr as I have another offer for $31. X company has a great reputation and i have enjoyed working with you so far in this hiring process. I hope we can reach an agreement that works for both of us slightly past $30/hr.

If not, I greatly appreciate your time and Thank you for your consideration”
@amyperle I would try out the 7 on 7 off for a year. See how well you deal with being in camp. 7 on is really not that bad and then you get 7 days off in a row! Plus you make more money and will get lots of OT
@amyperle Foot in the door with the oil sector might be good long term.
Montreal will obviously be more fun. But $22/hr isn’t the best.
I guess you gotta look long term at what you want.
@jcoliver75 Could also be really bad long term…

All of the windfall profits are being used to pump up share prices, not invest in new projects. Even the oil sector is questioning further investment…
@spacecow I never said “we won’t use oil”. The question is, will we use as much as we currently do, will it increase, will the oil companies evolve and improve and reduce their workforce with less employees, and how will a combination of carbon taxes on oil plus tax credits on renewables affect future investment.

The fallacy that oil is a secure long term job is 100% in question
@amyperle Fly in fly out mean you food is covered for 7 days then? I have a friend who works on tug boats and his costs go down considerably when he works 1-2 weeks in a row on the boat as all food is paid for and they eat like kings to boot.

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