Deferring High School - A Strategy to Build Wealth

@hmg Unless your living completely free at home and literally don't go out and do things I don't see how you save 20k a year on a 24k salary.
@hmg Simply following a normal education path and working part time through high school and uni will ALWAYS come out net positive compared to this thought experiment. Delaying high school for 6 years means taking on massive opportunity cost of missing out on higher paying jobs that require education. Investing in yourself can have a significantly higher ROI than investing in the market.

Without a GED you’re pretty much guaranteed to be stuck with low pay/minimum wage jobs, often only at part time or rotating hours. Under your scenario, you’re not finishing university until 27. If you’re truly just looking to maximize earnings you could follow a normal education curriculum, graduate uni at age 21 in a tech/engineering field while living at home and work for 6 years in an $80-120k professional career. There’s dozens of posts on this sub every day about people doing that. By the time you’re 28 you could realistically have $500k+

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