Guaranteed 3x return on equity - is this a scam?

@bart75 3x return in 60 months and dividend too? Gone are the days when banks gave some 21% interest per annum quarterly compounded to a lot of investors. When something is TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, IT IS ALWAYS. SCAM is when you find unreasonable promises.
@bart75 Nothing is guaranteed, if they declare bankruptcy then all your equity goes to zero instantly.

And assuming this is not a scam, understand the risks, if they cannot make the profit they are targeting and go bust, you lose all your money.
Thank you everyone for your help. I usually invest in mutual funds and lease financing with average returns, and this was something new to me.

Because they did an AMA and took questions from the audience, I thought this might be genuine. And because the customer support said that they would write the 3x return in their contract.

If you need to ask, you are too gullible

Maybe. But I think I was actually being naive.

Lesson learnt. If it is too good to be true, it actually is.
@bart75 Although the investment seems shady, let's focus on the market for this business. The Indian airline industry is booming, and there's a shortage of skilled pilots. Just this year, Air India has ordered a whopping 470 planes, highlighting the high demand but the lack of enough pilots available.
@bart75 Governor what will Rs 50 lacs get for a company that has a revenue rate of 200 lacs per quarter? When the pitch deck has amounts in millions, billions, lacs, crores spread across 10 pages, it is time to realize that it is beyond embellishing. Indian Pilot Hobby market estimate is $2 billion which is Rs 16000 crores. That is preposterous because that is 3 times the annual revenue of Colgate India.

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