Guaranteed 3x return on equity - is this a scam?

@bart75 I just had a quick look at the link, and while it didn't look as shady as I thought, there is one major contradiction. On one hand, they mention expected income / projections and have mentioned multiple times that the risk is moderate but on the other hand, they are saying "guaranteed" returns. This does not make sense. If return was guaranteed, there would be no risk. So, either a Copywriting mistake or a scam.
@bart75 Everything about them reeks like a scam.Look at the total investment they are targeting?Just 50 lakhs and they could easily get a loan from the bank instead of going to retail if their business plan is sound.Look at the pictures,it looks like some tuition centre with desks in a cramped room and not an aviation school.
@nic11 Yeah some other person pointed out the same thing about the loan. And it's a very valid point. And saves the company from diluting their equity. So a big red flag.

The classes are small because one batch only has some 12 students. They don't need big classrooms.

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