[CALIFORNIA] it’s Sunday, has anyone gotten their pending statuses changed to paid yet?


New member
I’m one of the lucky ones to be selected for fraud, my ID.me was verified on 1/19, I have 8 WEEKS on pending, and yes I called several reps to have it changed but they all tell me the same bs to wait a week for updates.. I even used the contact us button to send a Q to them by email but nothing changed..anyone going through this? Did it change for you?
@daniela77 I didn’t have any ID issues but I was one of the ones with the reopen claim button and I had clicked it. Waited until 1/19 to get paid for weeks ending 1/02 & 1/09.

Verified last Sunday and been stuck on pending. So I have two weeks pending and I might wait until next Sunday when I have to verify again.
@therealsavior I’m hoping it’s just an update issue where they’re implementing the extra 11 weeks for the extensions bc I’m at the end of my PEUC.

Just trying to be patient but I know other people can’t afford that.
@daniela77 My weeks that were stuck on pending changed to paid.

The weeks I just certified for today automatically switched to paid as well which has never happened (usually takes a day).

No money yet, but its Sunday so hopefully tomorrow I'll get all weeks at once!
@hisdearlybeloved i'm a victim of the EDD / EDD BofA blame game as well. Astonishing that a CA state run department and private bank were able to "partner" together without actually establishing a working relationship, hence the endless blame cycle with zero accountability. Adding insult to injury, neither entity did their due diligence to protect the most vulnerable, the jobless, from fraud within their establishments. Lambs to the slaughter.
@daniela77 no changes. 4 weeks of certified benefits "pending" and an additional two weeks fraudulently stolen from BofA account on 12/21 that also remain unresolved, account frozen. EDD and BofA EDD blame each other and do not appear to have a working relationship, despite being partners.

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