U.S. tourist for 6 weeks: Rent a car vs buy and sell

@jackson49 Yes, this is what I was thinking. Six weeks later and only several thousand km more miles seems like you could sell for almost the same price as purchased.
@wakemantk Yeah so long as it's not selling to a dealer etc, and so long as you're good at buying and at selling and can wait a week or two. This is how I've done vehicles for my trips (in NZ) at least (and made a profit sometimes)

Disregard what someone there said about a $3500 vehicle "not being able to make the trip" this makes no sense. You're going to drive maybe 7,000kms on normal public roads. Are most $3500 cars only 7000kms away from the end of their lives? no way.
@dinomangino He still doesn’t need to. He could buy a $30,000 van, and if he sells it for $27,000 he’ll be well ahead versus paying US$3,500 to rent one. I’m not sure if you’re deliberately being argumentative here or you’re genuinely struggling to get this pretty simple concept.
@calicobasinbelle Thats unlikely at that price point - you're going to be a "motivated seller", you're not going to get top dollar, the more expensive it is the greater the buy/sell spread is going to be, I wouldn't expect Turners to offer more than $20k as thats their model.
@dinomangino I don’t think that’s what they’re saying. I would assume they would buy a van / vehicle and try to sell it at the end of their trip for about what they paid which would mean they don’t pay $3500 on a rental
@dinomangino There are shitloads of original condition 80s and 90s campers out there on the road doing 10000ks a year.

Most cheaper rentals are 90s vans with well over 400'000km on the clock (though they use masks over the Speedo so you can't see the 100'000s)
@wakemantk Probably not the right sub for this question?

Factor in the time you're going to have to waste trying to sell it, and how much of a loss you're prepared to take on it.

You could try some car dealers to see if they'd do something, although they're probably wanting to get that 3500 usd out of you instead of the rental car company?

Any reason you want a van?
@wakemantk I would recommend Quirky Campers. Have used them before and it was considerably cheaper than the big camper van rental companies because insurance is included in the price.
Their niche is that it’s sort of like air bnb where you borrow someone’s van. It does mean you can’t always book the best one, but I’ve had positive reviews experiences with them.
Going to look at Turo as I’m planning a trip to the states and I’m finding the same challenge.
@wakemantk For buying both cars from dealer and second hand private cars - look at Trade Me


Another spot to look is Turners Car. They instantly buy and sell cars.

Especially - when you are leaving. They will buy your car on the spot - the whole deal is done and you get your money transferred to your bank account in less than hour.


In terms of paying - I would recommend a bank account. The best was to get one - would be through Wise - they are a international money transfer company and they will transfer your US dollars a lot cheaper than a bank. They will also give you a nz bank account (without any of the hassles of a local bank).


In NZ, most large money transfers are complete via bank transfer - you just need someone bank account number to complete the money transfer.
@brad_cam0 (Source: I was a dealer):

Be careful buying and selling through a dealer, especially Turners. Take whatever gap you think is unreasonable but also likely, and double it. The car you buy for $10k from them would likely get an offer of $5k a week later if you were to turn up and want to sell it. They have big overheads to cover and a big part of their job is spotting "motivated" buyers and sellers.

I'd buy on Trademe, and then list for sale on Trademe 10~ days before you're back in AKL. Be realistic and price it a bit lower market value and be prepared to take a small loss to get it sold safely before you're desperate.

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