@32983 Don't buy a new car, even if a maintenance plan sounds good it seldom covers the cost difference between a good second hand car and a new one. Buy a demo model or second hand car with that has been well looked after – the 100-150K difference in price is significantly more than you will ever spend on services.
@32983 Buy a cheap New car, so you have reliable transport.
The purpose of a car is to take you from point A to point B, and it eats your money. Focus on other important things in life. However it is your wife and your decision to make. Just my 2 cents worth.
@32983 The thing for me about cars is yes they are always what the heart wants. But I want to ask what utility does the car provide other than getting you from office to home? Will it improve your life? Do you guys have long drives each day and it will more comfortable? For me I want to get a new/demo Ford Ranger and but my wife and I work remote so why should we get it? Well it will improve our life style because we love to travel and I like to do some overlanding. Also, working remote we can have a nice set up and get to some remote places and work... remote (StarLink for internet)... Heh i guess what I'm trying to say is if the car would give value to your life other than the thing just standing in the garage you will quickly have your heart sunk. You need to justify what you need it. That is also why I haven't pulled the trigger on the Ranger yet. Buy a car for a purpose not for looking fancy or what the heart wants. Also save a big deposit 40% is always a good mark.
@32983 If you earn 62k GROSS and your expenses are 30k PER MONTH then it means you aren’t really racking up savings at a pace that would warrant purchasing property. If it was 62k nett it might be a different story.

With 62k gross a month (I assume it’s like 42k nett?) you also shouldn’t be looking to buy a new car, and also not in that price range. Look at a 2016 diesel Nissan Qashqai, or a Renault Kadjar. They are in the same class, with great history and are half the price for a fully spec’d car as opposed to a step in Corolla Cross with no extras.

Renting is sensible at the moment. You don’t have house insurance, you don’t pay rates and taxes, you don’t pay R20000 per month on a property where if you fail to pay one month you get a repossession summons from the bank.

Buy property when you are older and when the interest rate is lower, because once your first baby comes your 30k monthly spending will increase rapidly, and paying that home loan with 42k nett will be difficult.

P.S. enjoy your life, if you can enjoy it in a cheaper car, and in a rental home with the people you love, there’s no need to add stress and lose enjoyment simply because you want the nicest things.

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