The unrecoverable costs of buying a million dollar house now equate to around $1730 in rent a week

@jamesbates It depends on when you apply your historical data from and the opportunity cost of the stockmarket.

I cannot predict what is going to happen with the economy, the housing market or the stockmarket. All i can do is compare current and expected costs based on historical data.
@thestarside Can’t put a price on the peace of mind that this is my own house, I can have pets, I can hang art, I can do whatever I like with it, and no-one can kick me out.
@jpablo That's a rental rights problem not a rental problem. Germany allows you to drill holes and put up shelves, repaint walls. You can even find places where you can bring your own kitchen and floorboards.
@jpablo Why?

I mean I get the argument, even support it in some cases but there is a cost to everything and that includes change who needs to pay for the change?

I think the greater argument is pay has not increased to sufficient levels for a long time now. Almost every thing is getting far far more expensive and pay has barely changed. Look at any fruit and veg and you will see rapid price increases.
@sushimom10 Bring your own kitchen is the standard in Germany, at least where I've lived it is. And that's not a benefit tot he tenant it's an enormous cost and pain for them. Also when you move out you have to repaint the house to restore it to how you took it over. People love to cherry pick the facts to pretend nz is tough on tenants but it's not really
@superduck "Restore it to how you found it" that makes sense and isn't tough on tenants. People stay in these places for a long time. They're trusted and treated like adults unlike nz with frequent inspections and being told to make their bed..
@superduck Where I lived, more than half the places had kitchens ready to go. It's just there is the option to bring your kitchen, which many prefer since renting is treated as a standard long term affair there. At least you have the option to paint the place to your liking and revert it back after. It's all about options and choices you get there.
@sushimom10 Tbh most places in Germany require you to bring your own kitchen, cupboards, repaint and fill all holes etc, it's more the rule than the exception :) it's actually kind of inconvenient and makes moving house really expensive.
@rickwp77 I found less than half the listings in the areas I was looking in had byo kitchen. More than half, of a large supply of rentals mind you, had everything ready to go. It just adds options. If you're moving every decade or more, then makes sense to have that. We didn't plan on living in Germany for that long, so we had plenty of alternative options.

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