Idea for the second pillar: Choice between 2nd pillar chosen by employer and a vested benefits account

@ale4614 you guys get that 1% was a good performance during 2016 and 2022?

You guys only Talk about Short Term gains but missed out that our pension funds had to work with negative interesst, that we even couldn’t have 100.000.- parked at postfinance without paying a fee for it each month?

2/3 pillars are for security.
@ale4614 This shows you have zero experience, 2016 to 2023 had years with -15 and +25…

How would you react having your life savings in one ETF and then covid then russian invasion…

You need to have a Safe Place to park money, we had the difficult situation and even unique that we had 8 years negative interest, the fees where high just to keep your money, somewhere where you don’t see -10% a day….

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