Have a duplex, want to buy another few ip’s, bank won’t lend me any more $$, need some advice please


New member
Hi guys and gals , So…I have a duplex in QLD, it’s valued at 1.2 million and I owe 600k.

Both sides rented at 600/week. I make 90 k a year and have 140k in super .it’s all in my name

Live with my partner , pay her rent . (edit - she owns her house , i pay her 200 /week and half the bills )

I’d like to build another ip or 3 , but no matter how , I can’t get the math to work.

Is it just not possible for me at this time , or is there some hoops I could jump thru to get it done .

Thanks for responses
@heyynnie Here is why

Your income is 90k

Your rent is 62k but banks only assess 75% for serviceability or 47k

So total income is 137k, which allows you to borrow about 700k

But you’ve already borrowed 600k

So the answer is quite simple, earn more.
@shandy249 Exactly, everyone is always ( equity is king ) , thats rubbish, equity is absolutely useless unless you are already rich ,or like half this sub, make 389k per year.

But , but, that sweet, sweet equity you have in you property.....


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