Have a duplex, want to buy another few ip’s, bank won’t lend me any more $$, need some advice please


New member
Hi guys and gals , So…I have a duplex in QLD, it’s valued at 1.2 million and I owe 600k.

Both sides rented at 600/week. I make 90 k a year and have 140k in super .it’s all in my name

Live with my partner , pay her rent . (edit - she owns her house , i pay her 200 /week and half the bills )

I’d like to build another ip or 3 , but no matter how , I can’t get the math to work.

Is it just not possible for me at this time , or is there some hoops I could jump thru to get it done .

Thanks for responses
@heyynnie Here is why

Your income is 90k

Your rent is 62k but banks only assess 75% for serviceability or 47k

So total income is 137k, which allows you to borrow about 700k

But you’ve already borrowed 600k

So the answer is quite simple, earn more.
@shandy249 Exactly, everyone is always ( equity is king ) , thats rubbish, equity is absolutely useless unless you are already rich ,or like half this sub, make 389k per year.

But , but, that sweet, sweet equity you have in you property.....

@heyynnie Sorry mate, banks love lending people money and collecting that sweet interest, if they're not willing to lend you more it's probably in your best interest not to borrow more
@_%D7%A1%D7%AA I’ve been doing 10 hour days for 20 years , ya all can stick ya real, productive jobs up ya beeeehind.

And no , I’ve never aspired to being a boss/ In charge as that would mean I would actually have to care about work in the first place …

Work to me is nothing but a means to an end , a necessary evil .

As I’m older now, I’d like to actually start enjoying my life for a change , hence why being a landlord is such a lucrative endeavour for me ….

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