About salary as Automation Engineer (PLC and Industrial Robot guy)


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Hey guys

Wish u all well, I m 31(m) been an engineer about 8yrs and particularly have been working with PLCs almost 6yrs, did some development project for customized manufacturing machine... i can say i m well versed with Siemens Tia portal beckhoff's twincat and AB's Studio5000 with their HMIs.. did, development(software) on product handling machines with Robot(KUKA n Fanuc) and Dispenser(Graco, nordson and etc) system integration and so on.... ive always been wondering how does these skills worth at malaysia? Ive been to US and worked with thier manufacturing, database, Automation and Industrial robot engineers to me we all do the same thing... either develop, do standardization or troubleshoot and improvement.

Currently i m making about 6.9k pre tax... and not sure is it a good pay... to me it feels under paid lol...

Share to me your experiences guys and if u an Engineer who work with PLC share your experiences and pays with me i really wanna know how is the situations for us at malaysia

P.s sometime ago, let just say some guy said to me that " how huh working here? Pays is good right it is a good company u know." I felt uncomfortable when he asked this out in public in front of alot of people.. dude i worked my ass off every day and night to be on expert level skill..lol
@holyreefer Wow. I was working an engineering support role. After 2 years my salary was only 3.6k 🥲
But you’re right engineers are seriously underpaid in Malaysia. It’s unfortunate when HR and hiring managers lose talent just cause they’re not willing to pay
@justin83 I am in a manufacturing field and we usually pay minimum rm 80/hr to our suppliers and maximum 300/hr.

The industry is good but maybe your boss is not rewarding you well.

The mistake that you have done is not jumping every 2 years.

One of the way to get a huge growth is to lead a in house development team for a company

If you are keen to work in Johor, send me a message
@owoicho99 Singapore job market really bad recently. Even locals can't find jobs. Malaysians go there just getting low balled. Employers also know the exchange rate. Op maybe getting 3k+ offer.
@ineedadvice101 Yeah ... i hearing about this too.. i know Sing have good market pc based development like database, gaming, server and all... but what about Automation tho? U guys have any idea?
@justin83 Same job title here. In my company, my seniors with same 8 year experience received 7-8k, so maybe slightly higher than you, but that is after tendering resign letter 2 times already. So i think your salary maybe in average range. Not too high not too low
@tbash83 Dang... there is someone like me too lol
Its not easy to gain these kinda of exp n knowledge lol.. from start development to end off stable run on customer side ... too bad
@justin83 Definitely underpaid but wondering where your location is?

Your skillset and knowledge is niche, so you are very valuable to whichever company you work for but many companies like to say "oh you working in Penang ma Penang cost of living so low this is fair" etc etc.

When I wanna get a gauge of what I'm worth in the market, I try to get an interview for a similar position and see what they pay. Then top up 20% on top of that pay offer and that's what I'm actually worth in the market.
@justin83 Hey , unrelated , but how do you get into the PLC field especially as a fresh grad. Most machine already have PLC built-in and they usually call another guy for troubleshoot. I'm wondering how do I get a career specifically for PLC programming ?

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