Montgomery or 9/11 gi bill


New member
Hey! So I currently plan on just doing my 4 years and getting back to a normal life. I don’t have any kids nor do I plan on having any within the next 4 years. I’m going to college as well from one of the 3 colleges that are available to me since it’s my first time going to college. Which do y’all recommend? I hear that post 9/11 is the best.
@possum Post 9/11

Stick to not having kids. I knew a lot of enlisted who wanted to get out but kept reenlisting bc they had mouths to feed.

Take as much college as you can while you're in

Any little health related thing, go see medical. Create a record of your affliction. DO NOT be like others who "suck it up" . The day will come when you separate and you will want to have a good amount of medical entries in your records so that you can put in for a VA disability claim

Start a TSP (retirment) account and maximize it. I'd recommend, one day, to go back to working for the Govt (u would b able to contribute again to that existing TSP plan). They're one of the very very few organizations that still give pensions after retirement. The more you stay with them, the more you'll get.

That is beside your retirment plan, if you do have one with them

Good luck
@possum You have the post 9/11 gi bill regardless of what you do. The question is do I want to pay $1200 to have the option of using the MGIB?

For most people, P9/11 pays more than MGIB. Exceptions include attending a low cost school in a low BAH area and having other scholarships to pay tuition.

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