When to retire from the military, and how to decide

@oneinhim Stay in until you have to go I retired at 26 years enlisted E8 with 100% disability. I could definitely not work but I found a job that I enjoy doing so that’s what I do. I saved enough to live on for two years before I retired because I didn’t know what position I would be in. but then I was awarded 100% disability and didn’t need the savings and was hired on to work a job I enjoy. Life turned out good. So I I’m saying prepare for the worst but hope for the best.
@oneinhim They way I think of it is that every day I stay in pass my 20 yearmark I am getting a 50% paycut since I am entitled to hat money whether I am working or not.

I know, I know, it is not 50%, but when you count disability, it is about 50% (you will most likely get 50% VA disability after 20 years).

Then is the extra 2.5% for every year after 20 years of service. This is not significant enough in my opiniom to stay in and delaying a start towards your new career.

This percentages are based on Base Pay, its best to put everything in excel for a better perspective.
@oneinhim I decided to stay until 30 in large part due to the Financial Independence the pension provides. Retirement pay doubles between what an O5 with 20 years and an O6 at 30 years receives. I'm six months out from my 30 year mark and had the opportunity to effectively extend to 32 years. I did so due to the state of home prices right now, and because my wife and I haven’t decided on where we want to settle yet. The extra two years will bump the retirement to 80% of the high 3 average. When I exit I’ll be able to choose if I want to work and what type of activities to pursue.

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