If you had a R40K lumpsum to generate income..

@kabriana Start with python. Master it learn how to connect 2 pcs together with it. Create projects that have practical applications (not enter a number and find its highest prime for example). Once you feel you’re good with python try learning a lower level language like c or c++ and try do some embedded programming.
@kabriana It’s a numbers game. You’re in the tech space I suggest you use AI to give you some ideas over and above as well as plan your spend etc it may be the missing link to generate some side income until the job comes
@kabriana Suck it up and do some coding.
If you want to get paid fast. Start with JavaScript and learn React.

If you want to get the fundamentals down and have a solid base. Start with something like Rust or Java. But don't expect to be paid for it until you really know what you're doing. But you'll be better off in the long run.
@kabriana You said trading is not an option but I can make more than you need using that 40k every 2 weeks 🤷

That’s how I would do it seeing as you asked it that way.

Now I’ll assume you didn’t mean it that way and wanted advice.

I don’t know you so honestly cannot tell you, but I would do as always done and started own company doing something I enjoy… Although I got almost 20yrs experience with business so our situation might also be different.

Do what all the normal people do, start applying for other jobs so long so have one waiting for you before you get the boot from current one.

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