How much do you need to retire - I created an excel sheet to properly account for the effect of inflation and estimate the retirement corpus


New member
I don't like the 4% rule for retirements because the effect of inflation is enormous as is the effect of pre-retirement rate of return and post-retirement rate of return as well as the age you expect to live to. So I set about creating my own excel sheet to check out different scenarios. Download the file here: (Let me know if some other hosting site is suitable. This is the best I could find.)

A few scenarios:

Scenario #1: Fix inflation at 8%, rate of return before retirement at 15% (just above sensex returns of 14%), rate of return after retirement at 7%, expenses per month at Rs. 20k. You also invest 20k per month, total of 2.4 lakh a year. And you start at age 25 and retire age 50.

Under these conditions you can expect your corpus to be exhausted when you're 80. Note that your corpus is almost 4 crore. Another point to note in this scenario is that as long as you invest as much as you spend a month, you will arrive at the same conclusion.

Scenario #2: All above are same, except you want to retire at age 40. Now if you want to live till you're 80 you have to pump up your annual investments to 7 lakh. This figure is high because your post-retirement rate of return is still 7%.

Scenario #3: Same as scenario 1 except you start at age 30 and stop age 60. Now your corpus will last you till you turn 100.

Notes on using the sheet: You can modify all the yellow shaded cells. Column G is the growth of the remaining corpus after the expenses accounted for inflation(Column M) have been deducted. So Column G is (Corpus ageYY - expenses accounted for inflation at ageYY) x growth. Column L is just a count of number of years from start of calculation.

Let me know if you have any questions/comments! For a more in-depth calculator check out /@simsodep12 's retirement calculator here:
@nizz Thanks for your time and effort.

For hosting - you can use Google Docs/Drive and share links - Most people trust Google. This also encourages people to add changes and share their version (if improved) easily and most people have a gmail account.

From the looks of it, adding notes in cells on which cells to change and which ones get affected (like Pattu's calculators) will be useful for people to use the calculator without reading this post
@fruty Thanks, but I was unable to share on Google (sheets) without my user id appearing along with it. Is there a way to share a Google drive link without my id appearing?

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