My journey of prepaying home loan - 2020-2023

@pawello Whats the processing fees in the beginning when you took the loan and whats the foreclosure rates? And how does the foreclosure rate get calculated when the emis are accelerated? Also, you forgot to adjust the 44L with inflation. Just wanted to calculate the IRR that the bank earns after providing this credit to you.

I give out loans for a living but haven't taken one for myself so just wanted to understand the impact on foreclosure with accelerated emi's
@shosho I chose HDFC because I wanted nil foreclosure charges, and it delivered on that. The only caveats were that I shouldn't prepay in the first 6 months of the loan and the prepayment amount should be at least equal to the EMI.

But I had to pay a processing fee of 2,950 for the first rate reduction, then, 1,450, followed by 590, and so on, with 590 being constant in the last reductions.

Calculating the 44 lakh outgo and adjusting it for inflation is a tad difficult task, which was not important to me, so I didn't.
@pawello Hey, thanks for the well written post. Could you share how you got the bank to apply the pre-payment against the principal and not future instalments? Pre-payment towards principal is obviously better for us as customers.

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