@huntemp28 Bro no idea about your friend, but a lot of people who have moved to Germany, with jobs are living pretty good life. Maybe your friend needs to find a decent job.
@carycrafts He recently completed his MS and got job after 3 months of passing out.
He is earning good but paying hefty amount in loan repayment.

If you're ready to move outside permanently then it's good.

But I have seen enough people coming back to India once they face any health condition or when they have to raise their children. Because we know in that case our salary is peanuts compared to expenses.
@huntemp28 From the data I’m assuming he went to US. Things work very differently in EU. You get paid less, but then you also pay less for your college. And if you’ve good grades throughout and get into public uni, you can get your education for very less cost (specifically in Germany). And health care, thought not the best, is covered in insurance and you don’t have to run to India to save costs.

Add to that, child education is free if you opt for public schools. Of course there are trade offs in terms of language. But you don’t have to bear the expenses. Plus you get 250 euros as child allowance per child from govt. which is a good amount.
@womble7 yes, suicide clause in the first year of term will only return 90% of premiums paid, in some policies it will be first 3 years, after that, full Sum Insured is payable.
@resjudicata Now what about non IT people ? Or any profession who can't work from home? What's the solution for tier 1 city dwellers like me who need to figure out a way to stay afloat AND raise a family with some decent level of living .

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