C.L.U.E. says I was in two accidents when that’s impossible


New member
Hi everyone, so I recently moved back to the USA after living abroad for 5 years (7 total but 5 consecutively) and C.L.U.E. says I was in two collisions, one in 2022 and another in 2023. This isn’t possible as I wasn’t even living in the USA at the time and never drove while I was out of the country. On top of that, my previous license expired in 2021 and I didn’t get it renewed until very recently. How is this even possible and what should I do? This has raised my premium substantially..
@poetricia I recently had the same issue. I contacted them and provided proof that I was not involved in said accident. They literally removed it the next day. I suggest you get in contact with Lexis nexis and submit a report explained and proving proof it was not you.
@poetricia Start a dispute process with LexisNexis and ignore what everyone else may suggest, such as saying you’re somehow “mistaken” lol. Your CLUE records should also list a source for each record. You should also request your Verisk report as well, to make sure there’s no other evidence of unindented or intentional identity theft/fraud.
@poetricia You’re welcome! Only possibility of one or more accidwnts on your record is if you maintained coverage/insurance while living abroad and someone else was driving the insured vehicle and a claim was filed under that policy. Doesn’t sound like that’s the case though, either way you’ll start by getting those reports, reviewing them, and beginning disputes as needed.
@poetricia Side note, if you find out from lexis nexis who is reporting those accidents, you can call that carrier and ask for a letter of experience for the dates surrounding the accidents.

The accidents being reported in your name are concerning, and hopefully a clerical oversight from someone-somewhere. But the more concerning thing to concern is the possibility that during those times, you were being report are insured by someone.

Clue pulls from lexis lexis but they get their data from claims reported by insurance companies. Don't let that scare you, it could come from about a million other things most of them involve the words "moron," "lazy," and "prefill" just not a corner I'd leave unchecked while you were doing your digging
@scorpio12 I got off of the phone with LexisNexis and they told me there are no reports under my name nor have any insurance providers requested my information. I have NO idea why progressive says that CLUE states there are two reported claims when LexisNexis says there’s nothing there stating that I’ve ever been in an accident or anything.
@poetricia I have absolutely seen errors on CLUE reports received. Part of it can be if your name and date of birth match that of someone else. This tends to happen if you have a fairly common name.

For what it's worth, it can be really easy to get corrected.
@poetricia I tend to see it when someone hasn't provided an SSN in the quote. Your drivers license is attached to your SSN info. If you didn't provide the SSN or you don't have an SSN, it is possible that when Progressive runs your CLUE, the info for someone else with your name might come up.

I once had someone brand new to the US and driving stateside get a CLUE report back indicating a comp claim from three years prior. The person ended up buying the policy and I was able to correct once I could get a closer look at the CLUE, since the person's date of birth did not match my customer's.
@savvygurl0528 That could be! For my first quote (when I entered my SSN) is when I got my original quote, the second time I looked at my quote I didn’t put my SSN in. I assumed that it would have saved my information but possibly not, I’ll double check this later. :)
@niclint Hmm, that’s a possibility, it’s my fathers car that I’m using in the meantime until I can get a car of my own, I’ll run it by him and see if that’s possibly the issue.

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